MIHA Daily Fantasy Contest!
The ultimate Daily Fantasy Sports Contest is here! Free Entry! Winner takes all and will receive an awesome MIHA prize pack!
1) Sign up by using your Facebook, Twitter, Google, or Linked In.
2) Create a team by selecting up to 6 skaters and 1 goalie. Every player has a cash value associated with him. Spend up to $14,000 but you do not need to spend all of it
Scoring - Saturday games only. Skaters earn 2 points per goal and 1 point per assist. Goalies lose 1 point per goal against and earn 3 points for a shutout.
3) Log back in and make changes until the tournament starts. Staff will update scoring the day. A winner will be declared over the weekend and will be contacted via your sign-in information.
One entry per person, do not need to be present to win, must respond to email within 48 hours of winning contest, prizes subject to change, players selected that do not attend the tournament will receive no points. Employees of MIHA, including refs, scorekeepers, tournament directors are prohibited from entry. This is strictly a contest for entertainment and as any inline hockey tournament, there is no guarantee or review of official stats used in contest This is a free contest and is not considered gambling. Players added to a team as of 1/1/19 may not be reflected in the choices.